Post 2020 US Election: What Just Happened? Where Do We Go From Here?

Open Gov Hub’s Director Nada Zohdy recently delivered prescient remarks at a closed funder virtual convening about the future of American democracy in the wake of the 2020 Presidential Election.

Watch this brief video to learn about how the US 2020 Election compares to international trends, and how we can understand key challenges and opportunities in America's present democracy crisis in light of other countries' experiences with backsliding democracy and authoritarianism.

About this Event: "Election 2020 and Beyond: Threats to our Democracy and Rule of Law" Panel

From widespread voter suppression and crackdowns on protests to the corruption of the federal courts and the implications for established constitutional rights, our expert panelists will analyze challenges to the rule of law, including those we may still be experiencing at the time of our event. We’ll focus on the international context around these severe threats, the responses underway in the courts to defend America’s democracy, and the groundswell of protest movements across the country, as well as the threats and opportunities facing our fundamental right to protest in the months and years ahead.

Featured Panelists:

- Nada Zohdy - Director, the Open Gov Hub

- Vanita Gupta - President & CEO, Leadership Conference on Civil & Human Rights

- Mara Verheyden-Hilliard - Executive Director, Partnership for Civil Justice Fund

- Moderator: Melissa Spatz - Director, Piper Fund & Piper Action Fund

About the Conference: Democracy at the Crossroads: Philanthropy’s Role in Advancing Equity & Justice

Over the course of two afternoons, Proteus Fund is convening a group of funders and social justice activists and advocates for two four-hour sessions that will assess the many ways the results of the recent elections will impact progressive movements and thus philanthropy’s resourcing of those movements. Throughout the two days, we'll be featuring grantees of Proteus Fund's donor collaboratives: the Piper Fund, the RISE Together Fund, and the Rights, Faith & Democracy Collaborative. We hope you’ll join us as we explore philanthropy’s imperative to ensure justice for everyone who calls America home.

Image courtesy of the Proteus Fund


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