Summit 4 Democracy: OGH Members in Action
The long-awaited Summit for Democracy (S4D) is happening now (December 9-10, 2021). Civil society organizations have been actively involved in this sphere, and organized many pre-Summit side events. Some happened in direct coordination with the government, but most took off the ground independently — and in collaboration with each other and other change-making organizations.
Here are some highlights of OGH Members’ involvement around S4D:
OFFICIAL EVENTS - Organized by the U.S. Government
CIPE participated in the session titled Private Sector Forum: Our Business Too: Democracy & Private Enterprise Delivering Together (see the linked video) plus another one titled Curbing Authoritarianism through Strong Legislatures and the Defense of Democratic Institutions and Principles. More here.
NDI was a part of another session organized by the U.S. House of Representatives titled Parliament’s Role to Defend & Safeguard Human Rights: Inclusive Lawmaking, Holding Bad Actors Accountable, and Protecting Mechanisms to Redress Grievances.
SIDE EVENTS - organized by civil society
Our longtime OGH Member, Accountability Lab, created and managed the S4D site that collated info and events:
FACT Coalition and TAI spoke at the Brookings Democracy playbook launch: Combating Corruption to Drive Democratic Renewal.
Global Integrity (our Co-Founder) and OGP (our Anchor Team) co-organized a hybrid event — held online & at Open Gov Hub — on Unlocking Corruption: Frontline Perspectives on Locally Led Solutions. See the overview blog and the newly published video on the right (or click here to watch).
OGP held an event on What’s next for beneficial ownership transparency after the Pandora Papers? Leveraging the OGP Global Summit and Summit for Democracy to drive up global ambition.
OGP also joined forces with Transparency International and Article 19 for an event at the Global Democracy Coalition.
Article 19 also held their own an event around Technology and Freedom of Expression: Challenges and Opportunities of Regulation and Rule of Law.
Finally, the S4D side event website organizer, Accountability Lab, focused on another key topic: From High-Level Talk to Grassroots Action: How We Can Support Civic Actors to Achieve S4D Commitments hosted together with the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TRaCCC) at GMU. See the event video here.
Relatedly, Accountability Lab Mexico (one of our Global Affiliate Hubs), held a conversation on the Economic Empowerment and Democracy: Gender Lens Investing.
See more below!
What’s Next?
The Global OGP Summit
As usual, many Hub orgs will also be involved in the next Global OGP summit. This one is being held by the Republic of Korea and is also celebrating OGP’s 10 year anniversary. It’s happening next week, starting on December 15th, 2021. See the agenda here and register here — and check out the interactive Summit page below or go here for more information: