Summit 4 Democracy: OGH Members in Action

The long-awaited Summit for Democracy (S4D) is happening now (December 9-10, 2021). Civil society organizations have been actively involved in this sphere, and organized many pre-Summit side events. Some happened in direct coordination with the government, but most took off the ground independently — and in collaboration with each other and other change-making organizations.

Here are some highlights of OGH Members’ involvement around S4D:

OFFICIAL EVENTS - Organized by the U.S. Government

This is a picture from the "Summit for Democracy" homepage featuring side events from civil society organizations, put together by Accountability Lab.

SIDE EVENTS - organized by civil society

Watch all broadcasted Summit for Democracy videos here.

See more official information here.

What’s Next?

The Global OGP Summit

As usual, many Hub orgs will also be involved in the next Global OGP summit. This one is being held by the Republic of Korea and is also celebrating OGP’s 10 year anniversary. It’s happening next week, starting on December 15th, 2021. See the agenda here and register here — and check out the interactive Summit page below or go here for more information:


Open Gov Hub’s 2021 Year in Review


Ignite Talks at the 2021 OGH Annual Open House